Tag Archives: fun

Science Saturday: Colour Lab Mixer

I like to do various semi-education activities with my kids, most often on Saturdays. We call these Science Saturdays activities. I am going to post about some of the successful activities and the less-than-great semi-educational activities.

KidzLabs Colour Lab Mixer

The “colour” very British 😉 This KidzLabs Colour Lab Mixer is a simple kit that mostly lets the kids use easy-to-clean dyes to mix colors. The kit includes 18 projects, but some of them were above my kid’s attention span threshold. We also had the KiwiCo color chemistry set, which other than the Volcano activities didn’t drive as much variety as this kit.

The color lab kit

The kit comes with pretty simple materials but has had a good amount of activities, and honestly, young kids enjoy playing with color mixing, so it has gone pretty far. We have stored away the kit and re-used it for different activities or to repeat activities for over a year. Just giving them some tubs and colors and challenging them to make a new color like Orange (mix Yellow and Red) was fun for them.

The back shows some of the activities

A recent big hit has been “color fireworks,” which you can probably put together without anything in the kit… We ran out of the dye that comes with the kit long ago and just used food coloring or other kid-safe dyes. You find a jar and fill 90% with water 10% with oil, then put colors into the droppers to add “bubbles of color,” which explode when they sink through the oil and break through to the water.

Kid Approved? Yes

Again, you can do most of these activities without any kit, but the kit gets you started and gives you some good ideas. Then, you have some good bottles, tubes, droppers, and other reusable items.

Replayability: Good

At least from ages 2-6 this has solidly kept their interest each time it is out as we push towards the more complicated activities. So things weren’t hits (ice rainbow, dye flowers didn’t work out well)… Others were big hits, rainbow color mixer, fireworks in water, and watercolor on paper.

making primary colors for mixing

Weddings, I love weddings!

We’ve made all sorts of updates to the site recently — there is transportation information on the lodging & transportation page and we have added some details to our schedule page.

I am sure we will be making frequent updates in the coming weeks, so please check the site from time to time.

You can RSVP to all of the pre-wedding events on the RSVP page. If you RSVP’ed via snail mail, we marked you as attending the ceremony and reception and by default marked you as not attending any of our other events. If you plan to attend any pre-wedding activities, please let us know so that we can plan accordingly and supply adequate food and beverage. Please update your RSVP for all of the pre-wedding activities by the end of the week (Saturday June 30th). If you have any trouble with the website, feel free to just email me to respond.

What Erin and I have been thinking all week. As, Captain Jack Sparrow says, “A wedding, I love weddings!”